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Everyone Loves Guitar

We sit down and talk with interesting professional guitar players, and find out what makes them tick. Uncover the backstory behind your favorite guitar players and behind the "sidemen" who make the wheels spin for artists worldwide. If you love guitar, stick around… you’re in the right place.

Apr 25, 2018

Mason is a self-taught film and television composer, and as a guitarist… was a critical part of the Boston folk scene in the 1970’s… owned a successful record company for 22 years… and has written over 100 movie & television scores including feature films and award-winning documentaries…

Mason explains the different types of film scores… how the process of scoring a movie works (it’s incredibly detailed)... what a record label really does, and why the “source” of music in a movie is so important. This is a really interesting conversation with a terrific guy, and no matter who you are or what you do, you will most definitely learn something during this chat...



