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Everyone Loves Guitar

We sit down and talk with interesting professional guitar players, and find out what makes them tick. Uncover the backstory behind your favorite guitar players and behind the "sidemen" who make the wheels spin for artists worldwide. If you love guitar, stick around… you’re in the right place.

Dec 26, 2019

Frank’s early experimentation with LSD led him to picking up the guitar and becoming a guitar hero, but it wasn’t without a price. One of the most often overlooked guitar players out there, who’s anti-establishment mindset caused industry experts to ignore him, this was an amazing conversation where we discussed everything, including:

Why he walked away from $250,000 and his contract with Columbia Records... details of Frank’s LSD experimentation, and how guitar was the bridge from his post-LSD dream-like state into reality… God, faith, mercy… the upside and downside of signing with a record label early on in his career… how he developed his playing style, his SG and amp mods… patience, seeing good things in bad things, and more. 100% REAL:


