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Everyone Loves Guitar

We sit down and talk with interesting professional guitar players, and find out what makes them tick. Uncover the backstory behind your favorite guitar players and behind the "sidemen" who make the wheels spin for artists worldwide. If you love guitar, stick around… you’re in the right place.

Nov 27, 2018

Eric is an amazingly talented acoustic artist who’s just released his 7th LP, Ballads and Blues. He does a great job melding Jimmy Page, Grant Green, bluegrass, folk and a dash of classical. He also has a signature guitar with Santa Cruz - one of their best-selling models

Eric talks about his eclectic childhood, simplifying his life and what prompted him to do this, balancing work and home, what he learned from his dad before he passed, an incredible lesson in parenting, and having do carry out one of the truly most difficult tasks I’ve ever heard. 100% REAL, some deep diving here for sure:



