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Everyone Loves Guitar

We sit down and talk with interesting professional guitar players, and find out what makes them tick. Uncover the backstory behind your favorite guitar players and behind the "sidemen" who make the wheels spin for artists worldwide. If you love guitar, stick around… you’re in the right place.

Sep 25, 2019

Christian is the guitar player for The Quill - one of the best hard rock psychedelic blues bands around. He also is the singer and lead guitar player for Circus Prutz, a cool blues rock and boogie band that just released their 2nd full-length LP, White Jazz - Black Magic

Christian talks about how the band came together, the unplanned success they’ve experienced, their recording and writing process… some of my favorite tracks off the new album, and whether or not they will be coming to the US to open for The Quill! One of my favorite guitarists, great stuff:



