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Everyone Loves Guitar

We sit down and talk with interesting professional guitar players, and find out what makes them tick. Uncover the backstory behind your favorite guitar players and behind the "sidemen" who make the wheels spin for artists worldwide. If you love guitar, stick around… you’re in the right place.

Sep 30, 2017

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An unusual and unconventional approach to practicing and playing guitar

The right things... and the wrong things to spend...

Sep 29, 2017


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Why Matt gives a lifetime guarantee on all of his custom built guitars…

How he got into his unusual retro style guitar...

Sep 28, 2017


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The history of Don Kirshner’s late-night show

Guest artists who appeared on the show

Some memorable shows, and a slice...

Sep 27, 2017

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We’ll talk about the making of Klaus’ latest album, Z Sessions…

Klaus explains how SYNC licensing works, including the...

Sep 26, 2017


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“Neck time” is the only thing that’s going to make you a better player

How to have more fun in your next guitar...